
Headshots & Groups

Business naturally revolves around people. Especially in a small business, the people are crucial to acquiring and retaining customers, and the owners and staff are the main determinants of the company’s image.

As you look at others’ websites, brochures and display materials, I’m sure you see many cases where the photographs portray a poor, inappropriate or bland image. With the experience of NuVision Images, high quality professional portraits are easily created to support and complement your business message. We always take the time to understand your particular vision and objectives before offering advice on the best approach, and before shooting the photos.

Below are some examples followed by a photo gallery.

Black-and-White Portraits

This company retains NuVision Images to maintain a file of black-and-white portraits of all its professional staff members.

Many of them are regular contributors of articles for trade journals, and each author’s photograph is submitted for publication with his or her article. This promotes name recognition and enhances the professional standing of the company.

No Frills Business Portrait

Here’s a straightforward, ‘no frills’ business portrait. The plain and fairly neutral color scheme was selected with the end use in mind – publication at a small size to accompany real estate listings in the newspaper. The aim is to convey a businesslike but friendly image of the realtor.

Group Photos

A great way to show off your team in a group setting.

Holiday Card

Having grown substantially, this company wanted to convey the strength of its professional cadre to customers. The decision was to represent the people on a holiday card.

NuVision Images provided a ‘one stop shopping’ service; photograph planning to the delivery of the finished cards and envelopes.

Corporate Group with Captions

A slightly different slant on a ‘corporate group’ theme. Frequently captioning is an integral part of the product – in this case a large print for display on the college campus, and smaller copies for each of the graduates.

Real Life Business Setting

This gentleman is an architect, specializing in residential remodeling. In this market, it is very important that clients relate well to the professionals and feel comfortable working with them. The intention was to convey an image of friendly informality, with a creative edge. Taken in the architect’s normal workspace, the setting is deliberately simple with a minimum of technology to emphasize the personal interaction with the client.