
Portraits & Groups

Studio portraits certainly have their place, and NuVision Images offers an additional option – we’ll bring the studio to you. Just think, though, how much more it says about someone to have a professional image in familiar surroundings: relaxing in a favorite corner of the living room or garden, enjoying a hobby, or even at work in the office or workshop.

We’ll take the time to visit you at your place and get to know exactly what you have in mind. We’ll help you choose the right knind of images for your intended use – prints, computer images or printed material. We’ll bring all the equipment to you and create the images. We’ll sit down with you and help you select those which best match your vision, and then we’ll make beautiful final products to delight you.

Below are some examples followed by a photo gallery.

Three Sisters

An example of taking the studio to the subjects. This was shot in the sitting room, and the backdrop (over 130 options) was added digitally.

Oil Painting

Often, clients are looking for something a little different. A popular option is to emulate an oil painting (as here) or watercolor effect, perhaps printed on canvas.

Typical Family Group

Here’s a typical family group, taken in the home. In familiar surroundings people – and especially children and pets – are more relaxed and natural. Whether framed on a wall or kept in an album, these images show not only what the family members looked like, but also what the family home was like. Pictures may also tell a story: does the empty chair represent a recently passed relative, or an absent sibling?

Another Special Effect

This young lady was enjoying dressing up in a Victorian outfit which she had found in a garage sale.

Rather than stay with the original color photo, we converted it to black-and-white and then to sepia, and added a little diffusion to create the authentic period look.

Katie's Life

A studio portrait would show us what Katie’s face looks like, but this picture conveys much more about her life. In years to come, it will probably be much more precious to her and her children.
